Sunday, July 17, 2011

LIFE vs. Real Life

     Who's a fan of board games? [I sure am!] Even though, at times, board games can end up getting way to competitive and you never end up finishing because your friend sold all his property to the person in last place for five dollars, and someone else ends up flipping the board over it. [It's okay, we didn't have to finish the game, i was gonna win anyways...]
      Board games don't always end up like that. A lot of the times they are excellent ways to bring families and friends closer together. Through "good, clean, fun!" A lot of board games are great family activities. My brothers and I would wake up in the morning and spend HOURS playing a rousing game of "Risk". [Our mom would usually stop the game cuz it was time to set the table for dinner...] It brought our family closer together.
     Now I may have a lot of good words to say for board games. However, I also have a vexation with them.
Lets put the game "Life" in the spotlight.
     Personally, I don't like the game "Life". Never have. Setting up the game takes twice as long as it does to play. Once you  find the correct places for all the buildings and bridges, you have to set up your life. And as soon as you draw the lowest salary and the highest priced home, you wanna quit. Trying to get the spinner to work right is a whole different aggravation. My point is, "Life" is not a pleasant game. My biggest objection toward the game is that, playing it as a kid, it didn't accurately prepare me for life at all! It doesn't mention anything about awkward situations, or rejection. It doesn't say anything about Satan's trials and temptations. And it certainly doesn't mention how our main goal in life is to live right so we can live as families with God in Heaven after we die. The classic American game "Life" doesn't include the only thing that really matters in this life, The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
     In life there's the famous question, "What is the meaning of life". The meaning of life is to prepare to meet God in the life that follows after we die. And we do this through becoming followers of  Jesus Christ, and  His Gospel, and doing the things that our Heavenly Father asks us to do. Those of you who don't know about Jesus Christs Gospel and would like to learn and feel for themselves the happiness it brings, please look me up on Facebook or click here.